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Celtic Shamanic Journey Reading :

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Celtic Bean Feasa Shamanic Journey Reading & Healing: 
Each session is  unique to the client.
​As your Spiritual Advocate I will utilize the arts of core shamanism to enter a trance state & embark on a quest to : seek healing, spirit animals, strengthen connections to nature, wisdom messages or spiritual guides on your behalf. I will then bring these spiritual gifts, clearings, spiritual healing & connections to you.  ​
Includes related card reading as well.
60 -75 minutes. 

This is a time-tested way of gaining awareness about your personal journey, healing & finding spirit guides, & teachers.
Depending on the individual session there may be interactive healing work done.  At the end of the session, the client will be instructed on ways to continue the healing process, interpret the information & utilize the connection.
LIVE ONE-ON-ONE Via Phone -FB Video Chat, or Zoom.
Please Download the pdf for note taking page & appointment booking instructions.
Expect to make your appointment no less that 48hs in advance.
Once you have completed your purchase I will be in touch or you can contact me & we will set up at time & digital meeting place.
I will personally complete your booking.

At this time all sessions are virtual only: Zoom, Facebook video, phone.
You will get a PDF (597KB) file

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